Autoclear Aerodry

Release profits with a more flexible workflow

Autoclear Aerodry equips you with the speed and flexibility aimed to maximize your bodyshop's productivity and profits. With Autoclear Aerodry, there is no need for flash-offs between coats – enabling one-stop application. You are also free to decide between different drying methods, according to your repair size and workflow needs.
Options range from baking for just 5 minutes at 60°C to drying at ambient temperature for 45 minutes.

Autoclear Aerodry helps you save time, energy and labor throughout the repair cycle, while optimizing utilization of your spray booths, Its simple 100:100 ratio makes mixing fast and error-free. Spraying and blending are easy and straightforward.
When working on multiple panels, there is no need for flash-offs between layers, allowing you to achieve fast repair turn-around without compromising on quality.


Technical data sheet (TDS)

Safety information database (MSDS)